產品名稱:霍尼韋爾(巴固) MTX-30-OR/MTX-1-OR Matrix耳塞
·No- roll insertion
·Patented insert design makes insertion fast and easy
·Smooth out skin and reduced diameter provide long term comfort
·Instant protection and upon proper insertion – no need to wait for foam to expand
·Uniform attenuation profile blocks out noises while voice frequencies can be heard more naturally
訂貨號 Ref.:
MTX-30-OR 帶線
MTX-1-OR 不帶線
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只要您致電上海暢為,我們將以優惠的價格為您提供適合的霍尼韋爾(巴固) MTX-30-OR/MTX-1-OR Matrix耳塞 產品!您成功下單后,在為您提供霍尼韋爾(巴固) MTX-30-OR/MTX-1-OR Matrix耳塞產品的同時,上海暢為將為您提供耳塞等相關產品技術支持和售后服務,請您放心購買!